Yugal JS Functions

These functions are only valid for JavaScript part of the app.


Sets/Updates the title of the page. Accepts one string as parameter. Returns current page title if nothing passed.


Injects page specific <head> code to DOM. Code injected by this function is removed when page is navigated.


Similar to jQuery, this element return respective element. It accepts only one parameter in string You can provide class name/id/tag name in it just like CSS rule.


const {$} = yugal;
console.log($("#mydiv")); //RETURN element with mydiv id
console.log($(".someclass")); //RETURNS element with 'someclass' class name
console.log($("div")); //Returns div tag

$("#mydiv").innerHTML = `<h1>Hello World</h1>`;

From Yugal 9.1, other extra functions from Yugal's built in module yugal.js in modules/ directory are moved to external libray here.

Last updated